What We Believe


We believe in the God who liberated Israel from Egypt and raised Jesus from the dead. This God, revealed fully in the person of Jesus Christ, is three in one and one in three: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God has rectified the world and delivered creation from the powers of sin and death. There is now a new creation where the walls of hostility are broken down, enabling us to live in communion with God and our fellow creatures.

Political Witness:

We believe that Jesus is Lord and Caesar is not. We are citizens of another kingdom, bearing witness to the reign of God by breaking bread together, sharing goods together, serving the needy and offering radical hospitality. These actions embody a prophetic critique of all kingdoms that do otherwise.


We believe that creation is inherently good, and that each individual—whether young or old, flora or fauna, gay or straight, black or white—is a sacred and beloved creature of God. Despite creation’s brokenness, God seeks to redeem it.

The Church:

The church is the body of Christ, extending Christ’s presence into the world and bearing witness to the reign of God. Through the Holy Spirit, we embody the new creation and invite others to participate in God’s holy family.

The End of All Things:

Easter provides a foretaste of the end: resurrection, glorification, and the intermingling of heaven and earth. Today we experience these things in part, but one day we will experience them in their fullness.

Our Fallen Predicament:

Our world is held in captivity to anti-God powers known as sin and death, which seize us into their cruel empire. These powers aid and abet our moral shortcomings, but they also give energy to social, political, and religious corruption, severing our relationships and cultivating hostility among God’s creatures.


With the aid of the Holy Spirit, the Bible is the primary lens through which we see and experience the world. It points to Jesus Christ as the key to properly interpreting the story, and it provides compelling images that guide our life together.